Termite Inspection - Do-it-yourself tips
Termites can ruin a structure before you even know it. Whether it's your home, apartment, or a rental property you need to be aware of what's going on behind the scenes. Termite inspection in Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley can especially be a problem depending on the temperature. The first step is knowing if you even have them.
What's Their Deal?
Termites can go completely unnoticed, because they devour absolutely everything inside the wood leaving just a thin exterior shell. And because of the way they look, property owners occasionally think that they're flying ants. But termites are actually tinier than flying ants, about of the size of a pencil eraser or a matchstick tip, so they can get into your house through very skinny areas and crevices throughout your property.
Termite colonies can have over one million of them in a group, all eating away at your property all day, every day. Individual termites can also move up to 100 yards away from the rest of their group, creating tunnels far underground to find food, or moving onto more delicious parts of your property. During your termite inspection you may see mud tubes built by your termite friends so that they can travel above ground, along foundation walls, etc.
Signs You Need To Inspect
Termites resemble ants but actually have broader waists, straight antennae and wings. If you see these on window sills and other areas in and around your house then you should probably inspect further for termites. Another obvious symptom of termite infestation is when there is a mud-looking substance on the joint show another obvious symptom of termite infestation.
Things To Look For
The easiest way to do a termite inspection is poking wood with a screwdriver. If the tip goes in easily or you hear a hollow sound when you tap the wood with the handle, you probably have a termite problem.
Also look for a brown film on the surface of damaged material and for what looks like mud tubes on the interior and exterior area of walls and foundation of your property. Like we mentioned before, termites travel though these tubes between their colony below the ground to much on your property.
Do don't look for the swarms, but try to look for the discarded wings that look like snake skin. These swarms can emerge indoors or outdoors so the remnants can be found in either place. Evidence of indoor swarms include discarded wings or dead termites that couldn’t find a way out.
Don't Wait
If you do a termite inspection on your property and have the smallest inclination that you may have termites you should call us at Right Time Termites and we can give a professional inspection of your home.